
Monday, July 25, 2011

Long Time, No See

Wow. its been awhile since I have blogged! So many great things have been happening that my blog was kind of pushed to the side for awhile! Today is the day I get caught up! Caught up on emails, phone messages, edits, updating the website, facebook and the BLOG. How is everyone? I'm hoping everyone is managing this awful heat we've been having! We've lived in the AC for far too long and the kids have been begging to get out. But as soon as they are out they are ready to come back in and drive me a little more crazy! Business has been GREAT! So many wonderful families, children and NEWBORNS! ahhh I love my newborns. They are so very precious, those first few weeks are so special and I love capturing those memories for families! Sessions are booking up fast so if you want a weekend session talk to me soon. As scary as it is to think holiday sessions, eeek, will be starting soon. I have a few plans on making mini sessions that will be PERFECT for Christmas cards, holiday cards, or if you want pictures done but don't need a full session!

I'm also very proud and humbled to announce my facebook fan page has reached 200 fans! This means another giveaway. Be on the lookout for more details coming soon! This is going to be a great one!!!!!

If you would like to book a session please contact me either at breton@ridenour-photography.com or 240-285-4187. Being a mom of three small children email is always the quickest way to get a response! I try to answer all emails within 24 hours.

Be on the lookout for updated photos on the website, you or someone you know may show up!